‘अच्छा इंसान’ को ‘सफलता’ से जोड़ता गया

मां के सहारे चलकर जीना सीखता गया 
फिर धीरे-धीरे उनकी उम्मीदों पर सवार होता गया
वो कहती रहीं कि इंसान हो ‘अच्छा इंसान’ ही बनना बेटा
मैं नामुराद ‘अच्छा इंसान’ को ‘सफलता’ से जोड़ता गया- अजयेंद्र राजन 

The Pilgrim Bride
Photograph by Shahnewaz Karim, National Geographic Your Shot  
"A newlywed bride waits for her husband before boarding the special train in Kamlapur Railway Station in Dhaka, Bangladesh," writes Your Shot contributor Shahnewaz Karim of this picture chosen for publication in theSpontaneous Adventure assignment. "The mehendi in her hand is still showing as the light seeps through the roof and the people 'seated' there for the journey. This pilgrimage home is to enjoy the Eid festival with family."


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